
The Field Experience Office (F.Ex.O.) is designed to support students in their process of obtaining a placement to conduct their internship requirement, and to improve the quality of the internship experience.   F.Ex.O. is an office within the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health, with the objective of facilitating the internship process for students.

Internship Poster Session 2010 - Students presented a poster about their internships in various locations in United States, Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.



An internship is an opportunity to take lessons taught in the classroom into real world situations. Also, an internship allows the possibility to clarify future career goals. Finally, learning competencies required by the department can be achieved through the internship experience.

General Guidelines

Students that apply to the Field Experience Program must…

  • be a graduate student of Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health,
  • have identified key ways that they want their summer internship to contribute to their education in public health,
  • be able to dedicate 3 months in placement location,
  • and have some ability to communicate in native language, or the means to develop that ability before the summer internship begins.



Students at the University of Michigan (HBHE) have interned in the following countries with the support of F.Ex.O so far




Check our site frequently to see updated internship opportunities!